
Mandarin Monday: Mastering Your Chinese New Year Greetings

Chenkuang H. theBeijinger 2019-04-02

Do you hear that? It's the sound of Chinese New Year knocking at the door, which means it's time to dust off your well-wishes and polite phrases before you get knocked upside the head with food, baijiu, and fireworks.

Whether you’re joining your Chinese friend’s or spouse’s family for this merry festival, or simply want to exchange greetings with people you bump into, equip yourself with some of the most commonly used greeting expressions beyond
新年好 (xīn nián hǎo, “Happy New Year”), and prepare for the wows and, if you're really lucky, hongbaos you may receive in return for your studious efforts.

New Year's expressions tend to be quite specific depending on the age and occupation of the receiver. You can begin every greeting with 祝你 (zhù nǐ) or 祝您 (zhù nín). Both mean “may you,” but nín is more respectful and usually used to address elders or new acquaintances.

General well-wishes1. 猪年大吉 (zhū nián dà jí) Good luck for the Year of the Pig
2. 万事如意 (wàn shì rú yì) May all go well with you
3. 心想事成 (xīn xiǎng shì chéng) May all your wishes come true
4. 一帆风顺 (yī fān fēng shun) Wish you every success
5. 岁岁平安 (suì suì píng ān) Wish you everlasting peace and safety for the years to come
6. 阖家幸福 (hé jiā xìng fú) Wish you a happy family
To elders1. 健康长寿 (jiàn kāng cháng shòu) / 福寿安康 (fú shòu ān kāng) May you have good health and longevity
2. 福如东海,寿比南山 (fú rú dōng hǎi, shòu bǐ nán shān) May your happiness be as immense as the Eastern Sea, and may you live as long as the Zhongnan Mountains
To businesspeople1. 生意兴隆 (shēng yì xìng long) May your business prosper
2. 财源广进 (cái yuán guǎng jìn) May a river of gold flow into your pockets
To colleagues1. 工作顺利 (gōng zuò shùn lì) May everything go smoothly with your work
2. 步步高升 (bù bù gāo sheng) Wish you frequent promotions
3. 事业有成 (shì yè yǒu chéng) Wish you a successful career
To students1. 学习进步 (xué xí jìn bù) Wish you progress in your studies
2. 学业有成 (xué yè yǒu chéng) Wish you great achievements in your studies
3. 金榜题名 (jīn bǎng tí míng) Wish you success in your exams (specifically for someone who has an important exam such as the gaokao coming up)

And with that, may you have a happy Chinese New Year!

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Photo: Andrew Haimerl (via Pexels.com), chinesefontdesign.com

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